The amount of questions to be searched here is based upon the questionnaires which were implemented during the QDDS Projects. A complete list can be found here.

Search tips

  • All search fields can be combined for retrieval, even accross the search tabs. Therefore all fields will be concatenated with a logical AND. Inside a field the entries usually are concatenated with a logical OR, except the box for "any word" is checked.
  • In a textual search field like overall or label the usual search syntax can be used. For example "-" for negation and quotation marks for phrases.
  • Within fields for numerical entries like word count etc. single numbers will result in exact matches. Besides ranges can be used like [10 TO 20], [5 TO 100] or [0 TO 15].
  • To search in the questionnaire of one specific study or panel, its acronym has to be entered in the field survey.