QDDS III: A tool for documenting survey questionnaires for researchers and data archives
The main new feature of QDDS III is the ability to document, store and retrieve questionnaires and survey meta-data for large survey data archives. The program will allow to search, for example, for the survey in a data base in which a battery of dichotomous questions is followed by an open question. Furthermore, it will show the variable name of the open question and the codes given to the answers.
QDDS III will conform to the DDI-standard of data archives. Furthermore, every feature available in single purpose survey documentation systems like SOEPINFO will be implemented in QDDS III.
Finally, about 50 important surveys will be documented within QDDS III to illustrate the use of the program.
The project is funded January 2008 - August 2009 by the German Research Foundation. The project is a cooperation of the University of Duisburg-Essen and the German Social Science Infrastructure Services in Bonn. Project members are Anja Zwingenberger at the University of Duisburg-Essen and Oliver Hopt at the GESIS in Bonn. It is directed by Jürgen Krause and Max Stempfhuber at the GESIS and Rainer Schnell at the University of Duisburg-Essen.